Friday, June 14, 2013

A new chapter.

Hola, it's been awhileeeeeeeeee! :)

A quick update on life since I last blogged:


 Bid goodbye to beautiful Sydney.

Started my year in a new city, by myself.

Got out of my 2-year long relationship.

Graduated, finally.

Spent spring in Europe with my beautiful family.

Started my life as a doctor in Australia. (I just realized all my work outfits are monochromal -_-, I also found a new hobby in the process: Shopping for work outfits F my bank account's life!

 .. and got a new haircut (Actually this point is not relevant, I just wanted to show you my face wtf! *shameless*)
  I'm not sure if I'm capable of blogging anymore, cos y'know age and responsibility is catching up so I'm not as funny anymore! -_-


  1. Pls don't stop blogging! Missed your fashion outfits so much! :(

  2. Michy: Awww that's so sweet! :) More outfits coming up soon hehe!

  3. Yay!! So happy you are back!
    Not so happy hearing you broke off. Hope you are OK.

  4. Hi Jing, glad that you publicized your blog. You have interesting sense of fashion and shouldn't put that to waste. Continue blogging whenever it is permittable. Jovial and fun are what makes reading your blog interesting. So, don't give up to become who you are ;) - rebecca

  5. love your fashion sense, keep blogging:)
